Jonathan Ross


Jonathan Ross

Co-owner, Business Director, Master Roofer

Common Roofing Scams and Frauds (And How To Avoid Them)

When a customer hires a roofing contractor, they entrust that company with their most valuable asset: their home. Unfortunately, dishonest players exploit that trust, deceiving customers with false warranty promises, substandard workmanship, and other ploys. Though these roofing scams make the contractor a quick buck, they cost the homeowner thousands of dollars and even more in stress and anxiety.

At SlopePro, we do business differently. Unlike our competitors, we are firmly committed to integrity and will never cut corners or tell white lies to make our jobs easier. Instead, we vow to give you the honest truth about your roof.

In this blog, we will also give you the honest truth about prevalent roofing scams and how to avoid them before they jeopardize your home, family, and finances.

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Common Roofing Scams and Frauds

Sadly, roofing scams are becoming increasingly prevalent. Intent on turning a quick and easy profit, fraudulent roofing companies are preying on homeowners. Here’s how:

Door-to-Door Sales Tactics

After a storm, it’s not uncommon for roofing contractors to knock on your front door. During these visits, they will claim that neighboring homes have been damaged by wind or hail and that insurance will pay for a new roof.

In some cases, roof storm damage may actually be present. However, dishonest roofing companies take advantage of the situation by overcharging because they know insurance will pay. A homeowner may, for example, be charged $20,000 for a roof that is only worth $10,000.

To make matters worse, your homeowner’s insurance premium will increase when you file a claim. This price hike will happen even if you don’t get approved for a new roof.

False Warranty Promises

Contractors sometimes try to deceive homeowners with false warranty promises. There are two common ways companies do this:

  1. Limited Warranty: In this scenario, the roofing contractor extends a 10-year material warranty after a roof replacement. Though this warranty may seem generous, it can take 12 to 15 years for a poorly installed roof to begin causing problems. As a result, the homeowner must pay for the contractor’s mistakes out of pocket.
  2. Cut and Run: In other scenarios, a roofing contractor may provide a 20-, 30-, or 40-year warranty on materials and a 1- to 5-year guarantee on installation. However, after a short period of time, the contractor will either close their business and open a new LLC or simply close their business for good. In either case, the homeowner’s warranty is null.

Learn more about roofing warranties here.

Substandard Materials and Workmanship

Most commonly, roofing contractors scam homeowners by providing C-grade work while charging top-of-the-line prices. The contractor may, for example, use low-quality asphalt shingle roofing but invoice for premium products. Since most homeowners are none the wiser, the company can pocket the difference.

Dishonest contractors often cut corners during the installation process as well. They may skip essential steps, such as proper roof ventilation, underlayment, or flashing. This results in a roof that is more susceptible to leaks and damage.

The Real Cost of Roofing Scams

More and more roofing contractors are resorting to deceptive tactics to make a quick buck. Sadly, unsuspecting homeowners pay for the contractor’s negligence in the long run.

Financial Impact

In many roofing scams, homeowners are overcharged for substandard materials and shaky workmanship. Later, when the roof begins leaking or the shingles start curling, the homeowner must fork over money to fix the contractor’s mistakes.

If a homeowner files an insurance claim to help pay for the roof repairs, they will be slapped with a higher premium. This is especially the case if the shoddy roof caused water damage.

Long-Term Damage

An improperly installed roof is a ticking time bomb. If not addressed, it will allow water to seep into a home’s walls and ceilings, leading to mold growth. Leaks can also cause the roof decking to rot, sag, or even collapse.

To add insult to injury, poor workmanship can result in the forfeiture of any home warranties. Most home warranties have very specific conditions, one of which requires that any repairs be carried out by a licensed and qualified professional. If a homeowner hires a contractor who doesn’t meet these requirements, the warranty provider may deny claims.

Emotional Stress

Perhaps it goes without saying, but roofing scams are an emotional nightmare. You trusted someone to do a job, and they took advantage of you. That realization can spark intense feelings of betrayal, anger, and frustration.

On top of it all, homeowners must worry about the financial implications of making repairs and how ongoing renovations will affect their family’s day-to-day routine.

How to Avoid Roofing Scams

Fraudulent roofing contractors are deceptive and know how to prey on homeowners’ vulnerabilities. Be that as it may, homeowners can protect themselves from falling victim to roofing scams by following the tips below.

Tip 1: Verify Credentials and Reputation

Always take the time to vet a contractor’s credentials. Ensure they are licensed in your state and have met local competency requirements. The contractor should be insured as well. Insurance coverage protects you from liability in the event of accidents or property damage.

You should also review the contractor’s reputation. Start by seeking recommendations from trusted sources such as friends, family, and neighbors. Online reviews and ratings can provide a window into a contractor’s past performance as well.

Tip 2: Understand Your Insurance Policy

Before a roofing contractor begins work, familiarize yourself with your homeowner’s insurance policy. Different policies offer varying degrees of protection, and understanding what is covered and what is not can help you make informed decisions about the scope of your project.

Some insurance policies also have stipulations regarding renovations or major construction projects. For instance, they may insist on using licensed contractors or obtaining the necessary permits. Failing to adhere to these requirements could result in denied claims or policy cancellations.

Tip 3: Get Written Estimates

A reputable roofing contractor will provide you with a written estimate outlining the project’s scope, costs, and timeline. This documentation serves as a legally binding agreement between you and the contractor, which can be crucial if any issues arise during or after the project.

As a general rule, you should never settle for a verbal estimate alone. Relying solely on verbal promises can lead to misunderstandings and disputes.

Tip 4: Ask About Material and Workmanship Warranties

Before signing any paperwork, ask the roofing contractor about material and workmanship warranties.

A material warranty is provided by the manufacturer and guarantees that the roofing materials will perform for a specified duration, often 20 to 50 years. If any issues with the roofing materials arise during the warranty period, the manufacturer will make repairs or replacements at no cost to the homeowner.

Comparatively, a workmanship warranty covers the quality of the installation. This warranty is offered by the contractor and typically has a shorter duration, often one to ten years. If issues occur during the workmanship warranty period, the contractor is responsible for fixing the problems at no additional cost to the homeowner.

Much like an estimate, both material and workmanship warranties should be provided in writing. This protects the homeowner should problems arise later on.

SlopePro’s Commitment to Quality and Integrity

While other roofing contractors prioritize profit at the expense of homeowners, we at SlopePro value quality and integrity. Whether you need roof repair services to fix storm damage or roof replacement to help preserve your home’s legacy, we approach every project with an unwavering dedication to craftsmanship and transparency.

Needless to say, we always deliver on our promises. Some of these promises include:

Matching Material Warranty

Most roofing companies offer 20- to 50-year warranties on materials, but only 1- to 5-years on installation. At SlopePro, we do better by matching material warranties with our quality service installation. That means you get double the peace of mind at no extra cost.

Transparency in Pricing and Process

Other roofing companies rely on gut feelings to determine if it’s time to repair or replace your roof. Not us. At SlopePro, we conduct a comprehensive 12-Point SlopePro Forensic Inspection. Through this methodical process, you’ll receive a transparent, itemized estimate with no surprises. A communicative Account Manager will take the lead from there, walking you through your project from start to finish.

Longevity and Trust in the Community

Unfortunately, the roofing industry is filled with fly-by-night contractors who are here today and gone tomorrow. But SlopePro is a family-owned and operated roofing company with more than 100 years of combined experience. By showing up time and time again, we have nurtured trust in our service areas, and that shows in our high referral rate.

Emphasis on Customer Satisfaction

At SlopePro, we understand that a satisfied customer is our greatest asset. That’s why we prioritize your needs throughout the entire roofing process. We’re here to serve you, whether that means answering a phone call after hours or taking the time to explain an estimate in detail. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and you can see that reflected in our five-star reviews.

Contact Slopepro for a Trustworthy Roofing Experience

When you hire a roofing contractor, you expect them to have your best interests in mind. However, this is rarely the case. More than ever before, fraudulent roofing companies are deceiving customers with door-to-door sales tactics, false warranty promises, and other roofing scams that cost homeowners time, money, and heartache.

At SlopePro, we think you deserve better. That’s why we have built our entire business model around transparent customer service and high-quality craftsmanship. We promise to give you the honest truth about your roof, and then fight tooth and nail to deliver the best roof money can buy.

To schedule your free 12-Point SlopePro Forensic Inspection today, call (804) 886-1992 or contact us online.